In selected cities, Warby Parker Eye exam costs about $75 for a 20-minute eye exam. However, this company does not currently offer eye exam for your contact lenses; you will need to get that done elsewhere before bringing the prescription to Warby Parker Vision Center. Warby Parker has become such a hit with eyewear users because they are able to provide prescription eyewear at a fraction of the market price. They believe that customers need to enjoy their experience when it comes to buying glasses. Below you will find a list of all Warby Parker Exam Prices.

Below are the Latest Warby Parker Eye Exam Prices

Exam TypePrice
Glasses Only$75.00

Ready to Visit Warby Parker Optical Center?

If you are looking to get your Warby Parker Optical exam or get glasses or contacts, then you are in luck. We have all the information that you need. In case you want to buy glasses or contact lenses you can simply visit your local Warby Parker Vision center and purchase them. However, if you are visiting them for the very first time, then it is advisable that you carry your prescription in order to make the purchase. If you want to get a Warby Parker Glasses exam it’s also pretty easy, all you need to do is call Warby Parker Eye Exam Doctor at your local center to see if you can get in touch with them, in case the doctor is busy with another client, it’s a wide idea to schedule an appointment which can be easily done, you will need to visit their website by CLICKING HERE and enter your zip code and select Warby Parker Optical near you. You can always give them a call.